Category: Movies & Television

  • Mad Men and Heroes

    While I was on break last week, I had dinner with one of my former teachers and her husband, a graphics designer. They asked me what TV shows I keep up with, and I mentioned Mad Men. I had recommended it  to them before and I thought it would be a natural fit for an…

  • The History Boys

    I’ve recently been rewatching one of my favorite movies, The History Boys, the 2006 film based on a play by Alan Benett. It’s one of my favorites, mostly because I like Very Intelligent People saying Very Intelligent things. In this respect the movie is like porn. If I’m being honest, I enjoy as much (or…

  • Mad Men opening credits sequence

    Like most of the tv-blogging world, I’m catching up on last season’s Mad Men. I was always a fan of the show, but shit got busy around the middle of the second season, and I hadn’t had an opportunity to catch up until now. Or, to be more precise, I decided that I wanted to…

  • A bit more on Julia Child

    Apparently she was a huge homophobe. Who knew?

  • Julie/Julia

    There was a really good article on cooking in the New York Times Magazine. I link to it as a pretense so that I can discuss my mixed feelings on the new film Julie/Julia, dually based upon the lives of Julia Child and Julie Powell. There are really three pieces of media at play here.…

  • A little LOST withdrawal

    Now that I’ve suceeded in driving away what little traffic I had to the blog, I can continue posting whatever comes to me at whatever time in as many words as possible. Wednesdays have been rough. No Lost to sustain me through the week. But I have stumbled across a couple of things to keep…

  • Netflix

    We’ve just resumed Netflix service after a hiatus, and I’m really liking the changes that they’ve made in that time. There’s now a nearby shipping center, and I’m digging the online streaming service. It’s starting to remind me of another service I have great fondness for, Rhapsody.

  • Freaks and Geeks

    I’ve been rewatching the 2001 18-episode comedy Freaks and Geeks for the past couple of weeks with my sister, and I must say, it’s the perfect comedy. For the most part. It’s great to see many stars before they hit the big time.

  • Lost Recap: Le Fleur

    A fantastic offering from the LOST writers.

  • Looking Forward to Watchmen Release