Tag: alyssa rosenberg

  • Revisiting Community

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anGkl_ef8FQ] The last time I wrote about NBC’s Community, I was deeply ambivalent. It was a little to shiny and cutesy for me. Since then, I’ve become a semi-regular watcher, but once again, I think I’m going to stop watching the show. One of the things that pisses me off is the free pass that…

  • Book: His Majesty's Dragon

    I just got done with Naomi Novik’s His Majesty’s Dragon. I picked it up on Alyssa Rosenberg’s half-recommendation. It seemed like it would hit all of my buttons. I’m an unabashed lover of kitschy dragon fiction, and historical fiction makes me feel intelligent and stokes my ego (when it’s done well, because I understand the…

  • Diane Neal

    I was happy to see this post on the awesomeness of Casey Novak (not to be confused with the recently dead Robert Novak) from the excellent Alyssa Rosenberg.  Casey Novak (on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit) is played by Diane Neal, and she is fully half of the reason why I watch the show.