Tag: beethoven

  • Opinionated

    1. james rhodes The Guardian has a short profile/interview of the first classical soloist to be signed to Warner’s rock label. He sounds like a swell guy, and I don’t want to make any judgments on his music without hearing it, but a couple things mentioned in the interview make me curious. Rhodes is also…

  • Andras Schiff on Beethoven

    I’ve just discovered the lectures, archived at The Guardian, that Andras Schiff delivered covering all 32 of the Beethoven piano sonata. They’re fascinating, showing the way that a performer approaches the sonatas from both a theory and performance perspectives. They have already made me much more familiar with these genius compositions.

  • Sida Cheng

    I had the privilege of attending Sida Cheng’s senior piano recital at Reed College this afternoon. It was a wonderful program, and, after the week I’ve been having, the perfect way to decompress. The program: Aaron Copland Variations Philip Lasser 12 Variations on a Bach Chorale Johannes Brahms Six Pieces for Piano, op. 118 Ludwig…

  • Oregon Symphony: Theofanidis, Beethoven, Sibelius

    So, I may be posting a little this week to procrastinate, but I wouldn’t really expect regular updates for another couple of weeks. It’s the end of the year, and there is a whole lot of crazy going around. I did have enough time, however, to go to hear the Oregon Symphony on Sunday night…