Tag: comics

  • The Queer Crusader

    Batman and Robin kissing, as realized by Mark Chamberlain. This is an item from late April, but I think it’s so good that I’m going to throw it up now: Prompted by writer Grant Morrison’s assertion that “Gayness is built into Batman. … Batman is very, very gay. There’s just no denying it. Obviously as a…

  • The Cleveland Orchestra & the "Local Orchestra"

      Greg Sandow in the Wall Street Journal on Enrique Fernandez, the Cleveland Orchestra’s new “critic-in-residence”: Despite his resounding title, Mr. Fernández is not a critic in the ordinary sense of the word. His blog, which you can visit by going to clevelandorchestramiami.com and clicking on “blog,” is an online magazine that runs feature pieces…

  • The Cleveland Orchestra & the "Local Orchestra"

      Greg Sandow in the Wall Street Journal on Enrique Fernandez, the Cleveland Orchestra’s new “critic-in-residence”: Despite his resounding title, Mr. Fernández is not a critic in the ordinary sense of the word. His blog, which you can visit by going to clevelandorchestramiami.com and clicking on “blog,” is an online magazine that runs feature pieces…

  • It never rains…

    This week has been awful. But at the end of it, I dropped my chemistry class, so maybe the rest of the semester will be less awful. Ironically, although I’ve been busy, I seem to have made it through a suprising amount of media works. There’s nothing that I particularly want to promote, or have…

  • Dispatches from a comic book binge

    There are 6 days of class left in the school year, and it is pretty safe to say that I have checked out at this point. I guess that this had to come at some point. The sad fact is that I have been so busy taking this semester week by week that I never…

  • My 1,300 Page Weekend

    I always feel bad when I don’t update regularly, like I am letting down the four people that read this blog. Today, I have my reviews of a couple of books that I have read this past weekend and half-week. As the good people at This American Life would say, a book report in three…