Tag: Community

  • rationality

    Joshua Rothman writes about rationality in The New Yorker, and various recent bestsellers written about the concept. He makes reference to the Tyler Cowan/Less Wrong/Effective Altruism circles, surveys the way that different social science disciplines think about it, and explores the value a good rational friend can have on your decision making. I often feel…

  • Revisiting Community

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anGkl_ef8FQ] The last time I wrote about NBC’s Community, I was deeply ambivalent. It was a little to shiny and cutesy for me. Since then, I’ve become a semi-regular watcher, but once again, I think I’m going to stop watching the show. One of the things that pisses me off is the free pass that…

  • The Good, The Bad, and the Meh: Three New Shows

    I’ve been down with a nasty cold this weekend, so I’ve had some time to devour large amounts of television. In the past, The Office and LOST have been my weekly television mainstays, but LOST is in it’s final season, and I’ve completely stopped caring about The Office, so I’ve been looking for things to…