Tag: culture

  • gr(eat)

    I never get tired of the highbrow/lowbrow debate. There’s a long article in the Chronicle of Higher Education on (according to the writer, Michael Clune) a reluctance for humanities scholars to engage in critical evaluation (as opposed to interpretation). This eschewal of hierarchy appears eminently progressive. Who am I to say that one book is…

  • ⧑ the best/a man/can get ⧒

    Last week Gillette released an advertisement called The Best Men Can Be (25m+ views) which in 90 seconds presents this masculinity pageant: toxic masculinity has been perpetrated by men forever, now the #MeToo movement has shed light on it, now nothing will be the same, we’re not afraid of it because men can be better,…

  • Pioneers in the Graveyard

    Pioneers in the Graveyard

    I’m one of those high culture types. I believe, sincerely, that great culture can come from anywhere and be an asset to the world. Japanese film. Tequila. Gumbo. Whatever. One of the things that eats at me, though, is that it is exactly my type of person that is the most threatening to folk cultures,…

  • The Queer Crusader

    Batman and Robin kissing, as realized by Mark Chamberlain. This is an item from late April, but I think it’s so good that I’m going to throw it up now: Prompted by writer Grant Morrison’s assertion that “Gayness is built into Batman. … Batman is very, very gay. There’s just no denying it. Obviously as a…