Tag: david mitchell

  • This Reader's Digest, July 2013

    Big reading month for me. Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly, with some commentary. I get apathetic about rewriting what is easily Googleable, so no plot summaries. Unreservèd recommendations are marked with a star. *The Little Way of Ruthie Leming Rod Dreher A truly unique project. Dreher’s book rarely strays beyond the borders of…

  • a bit of irresponsible commentary

    I’m working through Haruki Murakami’s  Wind Up Bird Chronicles for the first time. Strike that. Let’s not oversell it; I’m a few pages into WUBC. Flipping past the numerous reviews of the recent 1Q84 impressed upon me two things: 1. Murakami is a genius, etc. 2 1Q84 was probably not a great introduction to his…

  • Winter Break Reading

    One of my favorite things about winter breaks is the opportunity it gives me to try and reduce the number of titles in my Book of Books™. Big Novels One of the greatest pleasures of the break was re-reading Alexander Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo. This is one of the books that I feel…

  • David Mitchell – Black Swan Green

    Mitchell, David. Black Swan Green, Random House, April 2006, 304p. One sentence summary: Jason Taylor is 13. This is for: People who love really getting to know a character intimately This is not for: People who prioritize the destination over the journey. Black Swan Green is an amazing piece of writing. 13 is an age…

  • The Dreaming

    Last week was somewhat heady for me. As I mentioned a few days ago, I saw Inception at a midnight screening. I also watched Waking Life for the first time a few days before that. I also had a metaphysical encounter of a different sort that week, one of the most interesting reading experiences I…