Tag: Film and Videos

  • Translating Lem

    I was shocked to discover that Stanislaw Lem’s classic science fiction novel, Solaris has never before been translated directly from Polish to English: The first ever direct translation into English of the Polish science fictionauthor Stanislaw Lem’s most famous novel, Solaris, has just been published, removing a raft of unnecessary changes and restoring the text much closer…

  • New Addition to the Blogroll

    One of my dear friends, Rachael, is now blogging at http://rachaelreviewsmovies.blogspot.com/. She has informed, eloquent, and idiosyncratic opinions on movies and, though I rarely completely agree with her assessment of a movie, I’m glad that she’s blogging.

  • LOST: Michael Giacchino

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1K4Fsk3rG8] There’s a nice profile by Alex Ross of Michael Giacchino, the composer for “LOST” in this week’s New Yorker (I’m not going to bother linking to it because it’s behind a paywall). I’ve never been a big fan of the music on LOST. Even though, as I learned from the article, all of the…

  • The Blind Side: Blind spots all around

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khtBvQdxta4] On November 20th, Warner Brothers will release The Blind Side, a biopic based on Michael Lewis’ book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game, about the high school years of Baltimore Raven’s offensive tackle Michael Oher. An excerpt of the book was published in the New York Times Magazine in 2006 as “The Ballad…