Tag: gay

  • Roxy

    Friday I have already forgotten most of what happened on Friday in the morning and during the day. Presumably I woke up and went to work and worked and came home. The only thing that might stick is a super depressing staff meeting in which we—the lowest level staff—were being asked to “brainstorm” for ideas…

  • This Reader's Digest, July 2013

    Big reading month for me. Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly, with some commentary. I get apathetic about rewriting what is easily Googleable, so no plot summaries. Unreservèd recommendations are marked with a star. *The Little Way of Ruthie Leming Rod Dreher A truly unique project. Dreher’s book rarely strays beyond the borders of…

  • On yesterday's gay marriage rulings

    My mom called yesterday morning, greeting me with a Good morning. I groaned something back.  Oh, are you asleep? she asked.  No, I lied, I was up to read the Supreme Court decision. That wasn’t a lie. I had woken up to read the papers, so dulled by sleep that I just stared at my…

  • [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tkuUlAQhbY] Frank Ocean – We All Try A couple of hours ago, I got completely blindsided by my emotional reaction to a piece of news, gossip really. The R&B and Hip Hop blogosphere has been buzzing over a Tumblr post by Frank Ocean in which he, in poetry and elipses, comes out as gay or…

  • Thornton and Sammy

    1. the stamp of the school May the stamp of the school be the stamp of our lives whose honesty carries us on to do the best work in the world that we can ’til the best we can do is all done! – The Thacher School song Thornton Wilder, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and…

  • Gay Actors Playing Straight

    About a month ago, Newsweek ran an article by Ramin Setoodeh with the tagline, “Heterosexual actors play gay all the time. Why doesn’t it work in reverse?” This could have been an article about why there is an acceptance of straight actors playing gay, yet it is relatively rare for gay actors to play straight.…

  • A Boy's Own Story – Edmund White

    Today I was able to spend a little time in the library, and because I have been watching so much television lately, I was able to devour this little book by Edmund White.