Tag: mad men

  • Parameters


    Thursday I spent my morning writing and reading and me-timing. I unplugged my headphones from my phone when I got to work, and when I next tried to plug them in, I realized that the headphone jack was fucked. I listen on my phone so much that it felt like a real loss of something. Everything…

  • Mad Men & The Beatles

    Readers who legitimately do not give a shit about Mad Men may still be interested in my comments on the Beatles album Revolver after the embedded YouTube video. I have no interest whatsoever to blog seasons of television or do recaps or anything that needs to be timely or consistent, but I do want to say that…

  • Daniel Mendelsohn on Mad Men

    EDIT: I just realized that this is a super old article. My bad.  Listen, I don’t expect everyone to like everything that I like. That would be boring. That being said, I am flabbergasted by how completely Daniel Mendelsohn, writing for the New York Review of Books (behind a paywall, unfortunately), misunderstands Mad Men‘s dramatic scheme…

  • Mad Men Season 4 Wrap-up

    Sunday night’s “Tomorrowland” was the season finale of what has been a very good season of Mad Men. The first two seasons of the show were filled with twists and revelations as we encountered different aspects of Don Draper. In this season, we pretty much know who he is, and yet we’re still surprised by…

  • Draper Daniels

    I just recently came across this article in August 2009’s Chicago Magazine, a brief tribute by Myra Janco Daniels to her late husband, Draper Daniels, who was the primary inspiration for Mad Men‘s Donald Draper. It’s interesting to see where fact and fiction diverge, and it’s also the touching story of a reluctant romance. Here’s…

  • Mad Men and Heroes

    While I was on break last week, I had dinner with one of my former teachers and her husband, a graphics designer. They asked me what TV shows I keep up with, and I mentioned Mad Men. I had recommended it  to them before and I thought it would be a natural fit for an…