Tag: sex

  • worldkiller

    Last month I attended a one-day conference hosted at Amazon’s conference center in the South Lake Union area of Seattle. There’s a tech industry psychic hum in the streets there, just like the entertainment industry hum that runs through anonymous looking three-story office parks in northern LA or the legal hum that saturates certain blocks…

  • Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution | Shiri Eisner

    There is a shelf on the third floor of Central Library in downtown Portland. It contains all of the nonfiction books specifically about bring queer: books about raising your gay teenager, coming out in later life, how to support your partner who is transitioning, and about four books on bisexuality. I have never done anything…

  • Old Man Writes About Sex!

    I’m a big fan of Roger Ebert, both in his writing style and (most of the time) his opinions. His blog, which started about a year ago as post-stomach surgery therapy, is interesting and features very close interactions between Ebert and his peanut gallery. Anyway, there’s an entertaining post up right now about Ebert’s fondness…