Tag: The Art of Letters

  • Julie/Julia

    There was a really good article on cooking in the New York Times Magazine. I link to it as a pretense so that I can discuss my mixed feelings on the new film Julie/Julia, dually based upon the lives of Julia Child and Julie Powell. There are really three pieces of media at play here.…

  • Quick book thought

    Apparently I’m verbose and self-indulgent (disregarding the fact that the internet has near-infinite storage capacity [or that a blog, by definition, is one of the most self-indulgent forms of expression]), so I thought I’d offer a quick take on A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I’m not going to post anything here that you could…

  • On the Bookshelf

    Reviews Pending: Children’s Books Recap Mississippi Sissy Kevin Sessums Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert Pirsig Reading Forthcoming: Theodore Rex Edmund Morris Caramelo Sandra Cisneros A Nation Under Our Feet:  Black Political Struggles in the Rural South from Slavery to the Great Migration Steven Hahn Chief Justice Ed Cray Coraline Neil Gaiman The…

  • A Boy's Own Story – Edmund White

    Today I was able to spend a little time in the library, and because I have been watching so much television lately, I was able to devour this little book by Edmund White.

  • My 1,300 Page Weekend

    I always feel bad when I don’t update regularly, like I am letting down the four people that read this blog. Today, I have my reviews of a couple of books that I have read this past weekend and half-week. As the good people at This American Life would say, a book report in three…

  • Book Review – Blue Like Jazz

    I didn’t exactly hide the reputation of Reed College from my parents when I was doing college applications, per se. I just emphasized certain aspects of its reputation more than others. To be fair, Reed didn’t make it easy on me. The day that I called my parents to tell them that I had made…

  • Best Week Ever, or at least a different one

    So, for the last couple of weeks I have been without a computer, and therefore constant internet access. Obviously, I cannot do a regular post today, because I don’t really have anything interesting from my two days of browsing, but I thought I would write about what I discovered about myself during a seemingly simple…

  • Where did all the Russians go?

    The review that I wrote yesterday reminded me about another book that I recently finished, The Mission Song, by John LeCarré. By chance, I finished the book a couple of days after watching the perplexingly mediocre new Bond installment, Quantum of Solace. I was really intrigued by the new directions that these two franchises have…

  • Book Review: The Appeal

    As I was browsing books at a Hudson News in the Portland, Oregon airport terminal, I smiled to myself because it was the first time that I had ever bought an “airport book” to read while traveling in an actual airport. Don’t get me wrong, I have read many such books. They are fairly short,…