Category: Movies & Television

  • "The Lighthouse"

    I’m writing this a couple days after the episode aired, so most of the online conversation has covered anything I might say about the episode, however I do want to say two things: 1. I’m still running a little cold on this season. It hasn’t been bad, per se, but there hasn’t been an episode…

  • Archer

    One of the most disappointing things that I’ve read recently is that Archer, FX’s new Adult Swim-esque show might get canceled. I’m not the world’s biggest fan of AS comedies in general, I sometimes don’t find the humor funny and I’m not a fan of deliberately awkward pacing, but I really think the Arrested Development…

  • LOST: "The Substitute"

    Brief thoughts on the latest lost episode:

  • LOST: "The Substitute"

    Brief thoughts on the latest lost episode:

  • LOST: "What Kate Does"

    This last season of LOST, I’m not going to try and recap every episode (there are other, better people on the internet doing that), but I will post any thoughts that I have on the episode if I feel like they have any value.

  • LOST: "What Kate Does"

    This last season of LOST, I’m not going to try and recap every episode (there are other, better people on the internet doing that), but I will post any thoughts that I have on the episode if I feel like they have any value.

  • LOST Season Begins

    “What’s amazing is how fickle your political affiliation… I’m a lifelong Democrat, but when I heard they were considering February 2, I was like, ‘That motherf–ker!’” – Damon Lindelof at LOST press tour, via Sepinwall. The LOST season premiere is scheduled for February 2, which means that this is the beginning of LOST-crazy season for…

  • Billy Elliot

    I was rewatching Billy Elliot last night. It’s one of my favorites. Michael’s call to Billy as he tries to catch him before Billy goes off to dancing school, “Oy! Dancin’ boy!” might be the most romatic line in the history of cinema. Which probably says more about me than the history of cinema. Also,…

  • Bad Lieutenant

    I cannot possibly express how entertaining this interview is. It’s a Hollywood Reporter roundtable between Nicolas Cage, Stanley Tucci, Colin Firth, Morgan Freeman, Peter Sarsgard, and Christopher Waltz. Highlights include Nicolas Cage bitching about how direcors won’t leave him alone when he snorts baby powder to get himself into the zone to play a drug…

  • The Blind Side: Blind spots all around

    [youtube=] On November 20th, Warner Brothers will release The Blind Side, a biopic based on Michael Lewis’ book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game, about the high school years of Baltimore Raven’s offensive tackle Michael Oher. An excerpt of the book was published in the New York Times Magazine in 2006 as “The Ballad…