Category: Movies & Television

  • LOST: Day One

    “Pilot: Parts 1&2” “Tabula Rasa” “Walkabout” “White Rabbit” “House of the Rising Sun” Some collected thoughts (not intended to be a summary or recap): -The motif of the eye is everywhere. I miss those cues in the later seasons. -Super nice tracking shot of Jack in the opening minutes of the pilot. It’s easy to…

  • Review- The Fall

    Tarsem Singh’s fim “The Fall” is, beyond doubt, the most beautiful film that I have ever seen. It captured me in a way that most films don’t, blocking away all my thoughts and quieting my inner critic and pulling me into the world of the film. It excels at something that I thought had been…

  • Heroes Season Premiere

    I was really happy this past Monday, because for the first time this year, I was going to be able to blog right after seeing a TV show live, something I have not been able to do since starting school. I ended up going to bed bitter and disappointed. It was really my own fault;…

  • Mad Men

    I am completely aware that I am the billionth person to say this (and the billionth-and-first person to say so on their blog centered on pop culture and television), but the AMC television show Mad Men is top notch. I am not going to go into too much detail on the show, I’m sure you’ve…