'Meh'st Week Ever – April 12, 2009

This week has been killer. As will be the next two weeks. Here’s some more of the internet flotsam and jetsam that you come here for:
1. Deadpan, Inc.
A super funny daily web cartoon made with the super cool software found at xtranormal which is fun and easy. You should all go there and try it out.
Somehow, the wooden actions and computer generated speech makes it even funnier.
2. Firefighter dresses up as Spiderman to get autistic child down from ledge
spidermanNever fear, Thailand – Spiderman to the rescue! A young boy was saved from a third floor window ledge by a fireman dressed as the comic book superhero after the autistic lad refused to come down.
The eight-year-old ran out onto the ledge of his special school in Bangkok after he had a panic attack and neither his mother nor teachers could coax him back inside.
Even firemen couldn’t bring the boy to safety – until his mother remembered his passion for Spiderman.
Fireman Sonchai Yoosabai pulled on a Spiderman outfit which was kept by a school guard for alarm practices.
And even though he couldn’t actually spin a web, it still worked a treat!
The boy came back inside as soon as he saw his hero at the door of the classroom and threw himself laughing into his arms.
3. Mentoring
More in the next coming weeks, I promise.

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