'Meh'st Week Ever! Special Back From The Dead Edition

Now that I am done with school, with the exception of the pedagogical afterbirth that is finals, I’m back on my game. Here’s what my four readers come here every Sunday to see:
1. Memetastic Specialty Blogs!
Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians
dermott_brereton (3)
Awkward Family Photos
…only the awkwardest! And there’s so much more!
2. The Turtle Island String Quartet
…recently completed/performed/I’m not exactly sure a string quartet arrangement of John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme. For what it’s worth (not much) they won the Best Classical Crossover Album Grammy for it. Classical crossover is a genre that is fraught with peril and the very real threat of kitsch. It is, after all, where you will find the Vitamin String Quartet’s String Tribute to Clay Aiken. But this project is pretty cool, has a refined arrangement, and can be streamed free here, via NPR Music.
3. Toilet Paper Scarf
I have a few knitters in my life (this is for you, Efan!) and to them and to any other interested parties, I have the instructions on how to make your very own toilet paper scarf.

4. Censorship is bad!
I found this story while researching the PEN/Newman award for notable exercises of the First Amendment as it applies to free speech. Basically, the drama department at Kilgore College, located in the very conservative East Texas town of Kilgore, decided to mount a production of Tony Kushner’s Pulitzer Prize winning play, Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes. But the local public officials were not into that gay shit, so they attempted to have the production shut down. The story from a first person perspective by the head of the drama department is here, and an in depth newspaper article telling the story mostly from the perspective of the college president is here.
Absolutely the most broish activity imaginable, but even I have to give mad props to the boys here:
6. Yooouuu Tuuube
Cool website allows you to break any Youtube video into a grid with frames that follow each other. It’s a little hard to explain. You really need to just see for yourself. Here’s a great, albeit trippy as shit, example, using Pogue’s “Alice in Wonderland” as the source.
That’s what I got this week. Now that summer is functionally here, I’m sure that I can update regularly as I die a little bit more every day while languishing slowly in a shitty job.

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