David Carr's Tribune Exposé

David Carr’s exposé of Sam Zell and the Tribune Media Company in today’s New York Times is truly astounding. There are tales of frat boy antics, incompetent management, the plundering of employee’s retirement funds, and, ultimately, a bad situation for everyone involved. It’s a bombshell. Go read it.
The story hit home for me because the Los Angeles Times is one of the hardest hit newspapers under this regime. I used to go to the library to read the Times because we only got a local paper delivered, and it felt like a big-boy newspaper. Then, at a certain point, I realized that it had gotten bad, and stopped reading. I’d love to see the City of Angels with a proper newspaper again, especially since it’s a city with a huge government in a state with a government larger than many countries’. The local issues could use the coverage.

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