A new start

I never wanted to be one of those people on Cory Arcangel’s project “Sorry, I haven’t posted.” I try to keep perspective on who reads this, and I never wanted to feel like I had a responsibility to a hobby on the internet. But this blog hasn’t been actively updated in years, and it feels like one of these moments that might be the start of something different, and I want to start with why I haven’t been writing on the internet.
The past year has been different for me, with a lot of change and changes. At some point I lost faith in my voice, and I’m just now dreaming about finding it again. When I look at old posts on this blog, all I read are the qualifications on my thoughts, my uncertainty to voice opinions, my wordiness. I feel like my inner monologue is different these days, and I want my writerly self to reflect that difference.
Good writing comes from bad writing. That’s what they say. I have faith in that power of practice, but the thing that I’ve yet to discover is that freedom from inhibition, that freedom to be funny, to be fresh.
I hope this is the beginning of something new.

2 responses to “A new start”

  1. […] finished Slaughterhouse-Five last night. This is a perfect example of losing faith in my voice. I don’t believe that I have much to add to the world’s conversation about this well […]

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