Tag: internet

  • Tempest in a Tumblr

    There is absolutely nowhere in the world for righteous anger than Tumblr. That tweet up there? That ignited the Tumblr equivalent of a firestorm. My dash was filled by reblogs of this post by thisiswhiteprivilege.tumblr: To David Karp [creator and CEO of Tumblr] and all of those who work under the Support Staff: You are…

  • Browser Autopsy #1: Opera

    Opera: Same Song, Different Tune That title doesn’t actually have anything to do with what I think about the Opera Web browser. I just wanted to use a bad pun. I initially intended to use a different web browser every week until I had tried all of the major browsers. That plan went away quickly…

  • Best Week Ever, or at least a different one

    So, for the last couple of weeks I have been without a computer, and therefore constant internet access. Obviously, I cannot do a regular post today, because I don’t really have anything interesting from my two days of browsing, but I thought I would write about what I discovered about myself during a seemingly simple…

  • 'Meh'st Week Ever – March 8, 2009

    I was too conflicted about Watchmen to provide an objective review, and was in too much of a sleep deprivation induced-coma for the next two days to do much blogging. But I know all four of you that read this blog really enjoy my Sunday posts, so here goes. This is what I found on…