Tag: Movies

  • red letters

    red letters

    It used to be almost impossible to watch cool movies. If you were lucky, your had access to an independent video rental store with some personality. We had a Blockbuster

  • big canvases

    the new Star Wars trailer dropped today The Last Jedi was a really beautiful and important movie to me, and there are others who have written longer and better than I can about why (most especially Film Crit Hulk, both about the movie and the reactionary culture clash that followed). While the Star Wars movies…

  • the favourite

    I really liked the new movie from that guy who did The Lobster The Favourite was a joy to watch from start to finish, all the actors are doing their best work, and I finally like a Yorgos Lanthimos movie! Spoilers!

  • Deco

    When my grandmother died, my first thought was of a conversation we had when I was 10 years old. I was visiting her house by myself for four days, my independence as an older child and her failing health meeting each other briefly before continuing on different trajectories. I was saying something obsequious about my grandmothers…

  • Waking Belle

    Saw the new Beauty and the Beast 3D rerelease tonight. I don’t have any special thoughts about the movie, as it has always been one of my favorites. I was a little too young to see it in theaters, however, and it did remind me that even now with high definition televisions and movie players…

  • Rango

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQjJEYTiga0] I thought that trailers for kid’s CG movies was something that I was completely immune to, but all of the trailers for Rango have completely charmed me. I love just about everything that Johnny Depp is in, but I don’t think he’s distinguished himself as a voice actor. Part of the fun of watching…

  • Inception

    I saw Inception at a midnight showing, and really liked it. I really enjoy the way that Christopher Nolan puts together a script as a writer, and the way that he emphasizes narrative structure as a director. He’s very good at creating stylized realities, whether that’s the grimy 19th century cities of The Prestige, the…

  • Black Snake Moan

    Black Snake Moan (2006). Dir. Craig Brewer, with Christina Ricci and Samuel L. Jackson. This movie is for: people interested in a vibrantly colored, delightfully weird take on the Southern Gothic. This movie is not for: anybody, and I mean anybody, that is uncomfortable with sleaze. Or is uncomfortable with a plot that centers around…

  • John Waters – This Filthy World

    This Filthy World (2007) With: John Waters. Directed by Jeff Garlin. This movie is for: Lovers of filth, people who enjoy a good yarn, fans of Waters’ films. Those who love bad films, and those who hate film clubs that show Star Wars. This movie is not for: People who are squeamish, people who don’t…

  • Billy Elliot

    I was rewatching Billy Elliot last night. It’s one of my favorites. Michael’s call to Billy as he tries to catch him before Billy goes off to dancing school, “Oy! Dancin’ boy!” might be the most romatic line in the history of cinema. Which probably says more about me than the history of cinema. Also,…