Tag: obama

  • More Barack Obama Love

    I honestly thought that I would be over my Barack Obama obsession by now. And then I read something like Robert Draper’s GQ profile, and then I remember that I have a smart, handsome man as my president and I lose rationality all over again. Seriously, though. I can’t express enough how relieved I am…

  • 'Meh'st Week Ever – March 8, 2009

    I was too conflicted about Watchmen to provide an objective review, and was in too much of a sleep deprivation induced-coma for the next two days to do much blogging. But I know all four of you that read this blog really enjoy my Sunday posts, so here goes. This is what I found on…

  • 'Meh'st Week Ever, January 25th

    1. OBUSHMA! 2. Photo Clichès 3. Mr. Rogers was a badass. 6. He was genuinely curious about others. Mister Rogers was known as one of the toughest interviews because he’d often befriend reporters, asking them tons of questions, taking pictures of them, compiling an album for them at the end of their time together, and…

  • Monday Thoughts

    Today I attended an introductory class taught by one of my friends on Magic: The Gathering. I cannot say that I am interested in pursuing it as a hobby, but I was impressed by how much he and his friends knew about the rules and conventions of the game. I was also impressed by Wizards…

  • Soft Opening

    This is the first post in my new categories “LOST” and “Obama.” I am already excited for the 20th and 21st of this month. The double header of the Inauguration and the season premiere of LOST may prove to be more than I can handle. At any rate, I will be blogging the inauguration and…