Tag: PDX

  • Coronavirus Diaries No. 2

    Coronavirus Diaries No. 2

    Twitter: “IOC considers postponing 2020 Tokyo Olympics.” Fox News: “Aid talks at standstill as McConnell, Dems argue over sticking points in stalled spending bill.” New York Times: “Partisan divide threatens deal on rescue bill.” Oregonian: “Veteran with coronavirus dies a Lebanon nursing home, bringing Oregon death toll to 5.”] The Wedding Yesterday, two of my…

  • Coronavirus Diaries No. 1

    I have been working from home for the last week and cutting down on socializing (due to an unrelated cold and asthma flare up) for a couple weeks. I have a million ideas of how to use my time, but the unstructured openness of the day makes it hard to focus on any one thing.…

  • sharon van etten

    Last night I went to see Sharon Van Etten at the Crystal. Seeing music there is a little dicey because the proportions of the room make me uncomfortable, and as much as I want to enjoy myself, a full 1/3 of my brain is tied up tamping down my claustrophobia. I went with somebody with…

  • No. 8 – Overlook

    The emotions of childhood are like the great floods that create canyons and ravines; future flows of water and ice will shape the geography, but it’s major features have been set. Please check out my newest photo set on VSCO. Photos taken in the Overlook neighborhood of NE/North Portland.

  • Dumpling


    Gentle reader, I find myself once again ill. After dealing with pneumonia this winter, to feel so weakened by a simple cold feels like an insult.  My grandmother was a great lover of talking about her illnesses. I found it very boring, so I’ll shut up now. So, I guess I should be careful about…

  • Pioneers in the Graveyard

    Pioneers in the Graveyard

    I’m one of those high culture types. I believe, sincerely, that great culture can come from anywhere and be an asset to the world. Japanese film. Tequila. Gumbo. Whatever. One of the things that eats at me, though, is that it is exactly my type of person that is the most threatening to folk cultures,…

  • remains of the day jan 7 2012

    1.7.2011. A beautiful day in the Northwest. Springwater Corridor Trail, Portland, Oregon. A typically glum and jaded former Seattleite bitches about Portlandia. Full disclaimer, I love June Thomas. re: that autism story I linked to a couple of days ago, the story behind the best NYT correction ever. My congressman (and I use the term…

  • Oregon Represent

    Congratulations to all of the musicians of the Oregon Symphony, who have just finished their very first Carnegie Hall concert. Early word has it that the concert was a great success; Alex Ross tweeted “Triumphant Carnegie debut for the Oregon Symphony — best of Spring for Music so far. Eloquent Sylvan, explosive Vaughan Williams.” David…

  • The Cleveland Orchestra & the "Local Orchestra"

      Greg Sandow in the Wall Street Journal on Enrique Fernandez, the Cleveland Orchestra’s new “critic-in-residence”: Despite his resounding title, Mr. Fernández is not a critic in the ordinary sense of the word. His blog, which you can visit by going to clevelandorchestramiami.com and clicking on “blog,” is an online magazine that runs feature pieces…

  • The Cleveland Orchestra & the "Local Orchestra"

      Greg Sandow in the Wall Street Journal on Enrique Fernandez, the Cleveland Orchestra’s new “critic-in-residence”: Despite his resounding title, Mr. Fernández is not a critic in the ordinary sense of the word. His blog, which you can visit by going to clevelandorchestramiami.com and clicking on “blog,” is an online magazine that runs feature pieces…