Oregon Represent

Congratulations to all of the musicians of the Oregon Symphony, who have just finished their very first Carnegie Hall concert. Early word has it that the concert was a great success; Alex Ross tweeted “Triumphant Carnegie debut for the Oregon Symphony — best of Spring for Music so far. Eloquent Sylvan, explosive Vaughan Williams.”
David Stabler of The Oregonian has been covering the tour in exhaustive detail: preview of the concert program, departure of orchestra personnel and instruments, arrival in New York, first rehearsal on the Carnegie stage, pre-concert thoughts from music director Carlos Kalmar, concert post-mortem.
Violist Charles Noble writes about what it’s like to rehearse at Carnegie at his blog, NobleViola.
Audio of the concert will be available through NPR after 9pm PST on Thursday.

2 responses to “Oregon Represent”

  1. Digging your brain, Matt. No, don’t bother looking at my blog. You probably wouldn’t be interested. Seriously. Just wanted to tell you that I enjoy yours. Carry on. : D

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