Tag: TV

  • Get Used to It

    We’re Here [HBO]. Three drag queens not named RuPaul take a Priscilla/Too Wong Foo tour through small towns across America to stage drag shows and use their power to validate and heal local queer scenes. I loved gay culture, like so many of us did, before I loved my gay self. I loved the sense…

  • ➕ new.amsterdam ➕

    New Amsterdam is a mediocre vodka, New Amsterdam is a bad TV show. I can’t stop watching it. I made a conscious decision in college to stop hate-watching things because I was spending a lot of time with a friend, let’s call him Trip, that only seemed to hate-watch things that he thought was bad…

  • Prime

    Tuesday I went to bed early on Monday night, and set the alarm for a generous 8 hours, but ended up sleeping in past my alarm. I’ve been taking Nyquil before bed, but it doesn’t make sense to me that it would make me sluggish in the morning. At any rate, I rolled into work…

  • Mad Men & The Beatles

    Readers who legitimately do not give a shit about Mad Men may still be interested in my comments on the Beatles album Revolver after the embedded YouTube video. I have no interest whatsoever to blog seasons of television or do recaps or anything that needs to be timely or consistent, but I do want to say that…

  • Louis C.K.'s "Louie"

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-55wC5dEnc] Sometimes I have very old-mannish tastes in things. For example, I’ve been really enjoying Louis C.K.’s new FX show Louie a lot, and the target audience for the show is clearly middle-aged men. At the same time, it’s also really funny. I don’t watch Parks and Rec, and wasn’t previously aware of C.K.’s stand…

  • Louis C.K.'s "Louie"

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-55wC5dEnc] Sometimes I have very old-mannish tastes in things. For example, I’ve been really enjoying Louis C.K.’s new FX show Louie a lot, and the target audience for the show is clearly middle-aged men. At the same time, it’s also really funny. I don’t watch Parks and Rec, and wasn’t previously aware of C.K.’s stand…

  • FX's Justified

    I’m a big fan of FX’s new cop-drama/western Justified. It’s a seriously high-quality show, with really good regular actors and guest stars, great dialogue, and a kind of old-fashioned lawman + Southern Gothic nouveau vibe that I think is super cool. It also stars Timothy Olyphant, who is one of those actors that is immediately…

  • "Sundown"

    Thoughts about this week’s LOST off the top of my head after the jump:

  • "Sundown"

    Thoughts about this week’s LOST off the top of my head after the jump:

  • Mad Men and Heroes

    While I was on break last week, I had dinner with one of my former teachers and her husband, a graphics designer. They asked me what TV shows I keep up with, and I mentioned Mad Men. I had recommended it  to them before and I thought it would be a natural fit for an…