Tag: work

  • Replacements

    On a Thursday I started my day running late, pissed at myself for setting my alarms too early. At work, I’m able to keep mostly to myself. There are a lot of new staff in the building, like rain on parched earth, but it’s been  so long since we’ve been adequately staffed that I have…

  • Parameters


    Thursday I spent my morning writing and reading and me-timing. I unplugged my headphones from my phone when I got to work, and when I next tried to plug them in, I realized that the headphone jack was fucked. I listen on my phone so much that it felt like a real loss of something. Everything…

  • Bajofondo

    Wednesday Long day at work. In the evening headed out to a birthday gathering at a bar for one of my school friends. I had a good time. Went to sleep watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Thursday Shorter workday, but felt longer because we were shorthanded. We were out for recess, and there is this girl,…

  • Nono

    Friday I spent the morning working with J Lo to clean out the kitchen at our facility. We got approval to get the kitchen remodeled, and it’s been a nightmare for as long as I’ve worked there, and I didn’t want to feel guilty if there was some horrendous shit in the cabinets and there…

  • Collideoscope

    Wednesday I’ve had so many days recently that were hard because work was hard, that they’re boring to write about and boring to read about and I’ve come to think of them in my head as Schmuck Days. Wednesday was a Schmuck Day. On Wednesday evening, however, I had a great experience. I was relaxing,…

  • Teeth

    Ate cereal, drove to work. When I got in, I found out that nobody had picked up the van I needed for later in the day, which was fine because I was bingeing on Invisibilia. I have mixed feelings about the show. It’s well reported and crafted, but I can’t stand the Radiolab-inspired, “we’re just two brainy gals…

  • Awake


    We have two middle school girls coming right now, sisters, that are super into anime and manga and colored hair and weird accessories. The younger one was worked up nearly to the point of tears because All The Shit Had Gone Down in whatever manga series she is reading. Both of them gushed about whatever…

  • Roxy

    Friday I have already forgotten most of what happened on Friday in the morning and during the day. Presumably I woke up and went to work and worked and came home. The only thing that might stick is a super depressing staff meeting in which we—the lowest level staff—were being asked to “brainstorm” for ideas…

  • Scratch

    Up late talking to my brother last night means up late this morning. On time, though. Got to work and felt the crackling nerves of energy and excess brainpower. I feel like I’m a school of fish and a fishing boat at the same time. The net is in the water, and as my fish…